Daisypath Wedding tickers

Monday, September 26, 2011

Engagement Entry 3 - Veil

As I blogwalk through the b2bs blog, something that really caught my eyes was their DIY. Gile lah, macam kedai punya kot! It got me all fired up wanting to have something that my own hand has built for the coming ceremony.

And before you need to read any further, I’ll just spare you the reading and let you know straight away. I plan to make my own veil. Ye, sila google DIY veil dan tengok segala tutorial kat situ to get inspired the way I have.

And, kalau malas, I’ve included the veils that started everything.

Hahahaha, cantik gila kan? Told you so.

There was only one thing, though. Telemachus and I saw a very sweet veil the other day. Perfect for my colour, it was almost heaven sent and I was grateful that Telemachus yang lelaki aku yang perempuan, sebab kalau dia perempuan he would have certainly clutched the veil to his chest and won’t let go until he payed for it, hahahaha. Yes, that was how much he liked it.

My issue was this: it was too nice. Nice as in baik, sopan. Tak badass langsung veil tu. My guess was that it’d look pretty in real life but the camera won’t be able to catch all the fine details. And my camera agreed.

So it was decided, we’re not buying the veil, we’re (I’m) DIYing.

The only ‘thing’ that came with that was that it sure did tightened my budget. B2b lain spent around RM50 – RM80 to DIY the veil. Of course, that would be a good saving since veil yang disurvey is around RM100+ RM200+, and sewa pun lebih kurang macam tu je harga. Tu pun kalau veil tu kosong, bukan yang meriah dan gung ho punya.

But the sweet veil that Telemachus  tiana did not buy was only RM50. Murah. Of course it wouldn’t make too many sense to spend RM50 untuk barang-barang nak buat veil, kan?

Telemachus        :    kalau u beli veil tu, RM50 je and tak payah pikir nak jahit-jahit lagi
Tiana                     :   ........

And so, that was how I’ve arrived at this point. The point of DIYing the veil at the ceiling price of RM50. We had some sort of a dare, that if I fail to impress him with the result, I’ll give in and buy the veil. Memang lah, lagi untung sebenarnya beli veil tu. Lagi untung, senang, (maybe) economical, etc etc tapi hehe, you should have stopped me when I was browsing thru b2b punya DIYs.

And hey, tak cool lah, semua nya beli. Biar la ada sentimental value sikit. Hehe. 

Besides, my rebuttal speech was this (peh rebuttal tiana, kau ingat ni apa, piala debat?) I’m only DIYing for the engagement. Kalau jadi tak cantik sangat, takpe lah, nikah nanti memang tak buat dah. Kan bertunang je pun. Tapi kalau cantik? Boleh la buat untuk nikah, sanding, bertandang, semua pun boleh. Translation: jimat duit hahahahaha

Hence, the dare is on *kecikkan mata, give a cold stare at telemachus* wish me luck! I’ll let you know how it turns out!

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